วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

"Hostel Backpackers" Thailand biking tv show, Koh San Rd.

"Hostel backpackers" is a travel tv show we are interested in producing. The google video contains 15 minute from 1 of 30 travel tapes. No scenes have been deleted or edited, from the tape capture. I call this "active editing." Features walking around Koh San road, a tourist street in Bangkok. Everyone is in the streets getting drunk and having a good time. A drunk ladyboy starts to harass Marcel, and he pushes her (i mean him) off, while filming it all. The end of the video contains clips from the Full Moon party tape at Kohpanang, the night before the Tsunami... Enjoy... Filmed and Produced by: Luke Patterson and Marcel Irnie... Music by Merkin Dream contact: info@irnieracing.com Contains language and violence.


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