วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2554

Snake Thailand: Laotian Wolf Snake

Non-toxic, beautiful black snake and yellow colored bands from Thailand, but apparently native Laos. Bites often, but not very accurate. These snakes are nocturnal and quite frequently. I've seen live near my house at night, and some dead on the roadside here in Thailand. The snakes like these little frogs in the first place. I'm trying to make him have to eat a gecko in the tank. I went a couple of meal worms in it, but not sure who has dug. If yousee this snake in Thailand to be careful though. This, the black and yellow mangrove snake, snakes and black and yellow bands can sound like krait. Do not you want to be bitten by one of the other two snakes. The Krait is mortal. The poison deep mangrove snake bites that could not be a severe reaction to have. These snakes are small - less than one meter. Lycodon laoensis


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